Sure i started this blog sometime back with great enthusiasm as a constant reminder for me to get moving and learn to use my camera beyond just the auto mode. But as is well obvious :( I just havent done it till now!
My dad sometime back gifted me a nice Samsung S1050 as a gift. A good camera for someone who aspires to make that shift from complete novice to somewhat knowledgable (it would be too early to say a superbly professional :D) photographer. Reviews told me that its got some pretty nifty manual bits which I could learn great from before I thought of buying one of those gorgeous DSLRs. Having a DSLR and working it are two completely different things really.
Yesterday night when in some great flash from above I finally picked my camera and began fiddling around I sort of rediscovered how great it was and how under utilised its many features are by me. I have almost never used the manual mode choosing instead the easy way out most days and sticking to other available easier options. I hate to admit I didnt even know the fullforms of a couple of abbreviations that kept showing up and though curious till date hadn't bothered to figure them out! I am completely ashamed because in the face of this my supposed love for photography sounds like a big fat farce :(
So heres to turning a new leaf and shutting the easy way out!
I solemnly swear from this day on I will pursue this love for photography as an art with the gravity and hardwork it deserves and not give in to 'auto' modes and shorcuts of the world!! Every entry however good or bad will hence forth not be about show casing photos taken in random places but the effort of learning this art!
To this I will abide completely and truly!
To a new beginning!!!
Every Day is Earth Day
10 months ago
All the best dear in your new endeavour:)Hope that this new start takes you to a beautiful journey laden with new discoveries and memorable moments!
Thanks Preetika :) It'll take sometime to really get going with this... but its just an absolute must!
ReplyDeleteI wish also wish for gud luck from my heart! Keep going gal! :)
ReplyDeleteWater Color Pencil: Prince George of Persia
Aww thank you!! Will come say hello as soon as i make some progress! :)
ReplyDeletehi... how's the pledge going..??
ReplyDeletejust a quik msg... check this out ...
see the pix on the 1st 2 pages.. rest can be passed.
my favs were 100_2053 and 100_2051
liked this one too - 100_2042
ReplyDeletethese are on the walls along the road on tulsi pipe road in bby. have never been there.. maybe i shud if i go to that area.
yes ive hrd about them.. and seen pics in the news... have to see myself...thanks for the links.
ReplyDeletePledge aint goin too good.. no time... have to give quality time to this.. maybe in a month or so!